The Polytechnic already has academic staff development committee which is responsible for strict compliance with the TETFUND guidelines for study sponsorship, conference attendance, Academic research, manuscript and fabrication


ICT has increasingly played a critical role in all fields of human endeavours. It is being used globally to translate ideas into realizable goals and develop same into concrete achievement. ICT has had a major impact on the education sector especially as it influences teaching and learning methods. On this basis Abdu Gusau Polytechnic has received ICT Support interventions from TETFUND from 2016, 2017 and 2018 for Capacity building training to its staff on ICT and development of a website for the institution base on the TETFUND approved guidelines.

The ICT Capacity building (Training) is a support to Train teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution to improve their computer awareness and use of ICT tools towards improving the teaching and learning environment. On this Training about 50 teaching staff and 45 non-teaching staff have so far been trained on International Computer Driving Licence (Profile Pack) consisting of : Computer Essentials, Online Essentials, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, presentation, Online Collaboration, IT Security and ICT Education.