- Categories of TETFUND Journal Grants inInstitution is accessing is in the area of publication of a scholarly journal called Bakalori Journal. It is a multidisplinary journal
- The Institution is enjoying a regular Journal publication
- The internal and external procedure for accessing TETFUND Grants for Journal Publication in my Institution are: we have registered the Bakalori journal. The Journal also has copyright with relevant abstracting and indexing servicesit has a properly constituted editorial board with most of the members across Universities and other Polytechnics. There is also the Seminar and Publication committee that is complimenting g the work of the editorial Board in collecting and forwarding papers for acceptance and publication. Other external procedures include Submission to TETFUND of a copy ao registration, editorial policy, copyright and permission. Putting in place a dynamic website for the journal to be accessed. Submission of all hard copy evidence and soft copies to the TETFUND AS WELL AS COMPLYING WITH ALL THE tetfund Guidelines and procedures
- There is efficiency in processing of application for TETFUND Grants in support of Journal Publication in my Institution
- I will rate the impact of TETFUND Journal Publication Grants as high on both individual staff beneficiaries and academic departments in my Institution.